chic ==== .. raw:: html :file: hide-title.html .. image:: logo.svg :align: center :alt: chic logo :target: . .. important:: This project is under active development. Until version 1.0.0 is released, breaking changes to the API may occur. :code:`chic` is a Python package for :strong:`c`\ oarse-graining :strong:`h`\ ybrid and :strong:`i`\ norganic :strong:`c`\ rystals. Quickstart ---------- Install using :code:`pip install chic-lib`, and then use :class:`~chic.Structure` to begin processing your structure... >>> from chic import Structure >>> struct = Structure.from_cif("ZIF-4-cag.cif") >>> struct.remove_sites_by_symbol("O") ... find the nodes, linkers, and underlying net... >>> struct.get_neighbours_crystalnn() >>> struct.find_atomic_clusters() >>> struct.get_coarse_grained_net() >>> struct.net_to_cif("cag-net.cif") .. raw:: html :file: ./_static/zif4-cg.html ... and redecorate with a different chemistry... >>> cag_net = struct.to_net() >>> cag_net.add_zif_atoms(template="CH3") # methyl-substituted imidazolate .. raw:: html :file: ./_static/zif4-cg-d.html :code:`chic` is built upon the :class:`pymatgen.core.Structure` class: >>> struct Structure Summary Lattice abc : 16.8509 16.8509 16.8509 angles : 90.0 90.0 90.0 volume : 4784.860756696228 A : 16.8509 0.0 1.0318200373876067e-15 B : -1.0318200373876067e-15 16.8509 1.0318200373876067e-15 C : 0.0 0.0 16.8509 pbc : True True True PeriodicSite: H (7.669, 7.093, 15.44) [0.4551, 0.4209, 0.9161] PeriodicSite: H (7.093, 7.669, 15.44) [0.4209, 0.4551, 0.9161] [...] for which all of the usual functionality is available. Contributing ------------ :code:`chic` was developed by me, Thomas Nicholas, as part of my PhD research at the University of Oxford within the `Goodwin Group `_ and the `Deringer Group `_. During this time, it has been adapted several times over, with new directions defined by collaborations too (see :doc:`publications `)! Please do open an issue or pull request on the `GitHub repository `_ if you are interested in suggesting new functionality, identifying and/or fixing a bug, or simply want to start a dicussion. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: Quickstart .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :hidden: :caption: API Reference api/structure api/net api/atomic-clusters .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :hidden: :caption: Publications publications/pub-main .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: :caption: Case studies case-studies/coarse-graining case-studies/topology-data case-studies/decorating case-studies/cleaning case-studies/dihedrals